"Jonathan goes above and beyond not only on every project he is tasked with, but every conversation he is a part of, every opportunity he is given, and every space he is in. Jonathan has actively worked with every [Talent Development] leader to revamp, rework, and create new content for their teams. He has enhanced orientations, email communications, and handouts associated with each class to ensure consistency and improve the overall Team Member Experience.
He always makes himself available for questions, new projects, and assistance, and delivers on deadlines, asks for help when needed, and treats everyone with kindness and respect. Jonathan is the perfect example of the Culture here at [Universal Orlando] and upholds the values we reiterate to our [Team Members]. He is constantly innovating new ways to streamline communication to new hires to make it more user friendly and conceptual. He finds so much joy in what he does that it shines through his work.
Jonathan is an “unsung hero” because even though he does most of his work behind a screen, he has no idea the incredible impact he makes not only for Talent Development, but for Team Members as well. Jonathan has never said “no” to a project and actively works to find answers if presented with a project he doesn’t have knowledge of doing. Jonathan is easily a Universal Champion in every action he does. He is always going above and beyond for anyone that asks for his assistance and delivers flawless work.
He thanks everyone for trusting him with their projects endlessly, and always follows up to ensure his work is still at 100%. His work is not easy and he has to put many things on halt to wait for approvals from Creative, Brand Standards, and other leaders, but he follows through on his promises and anxiously awaits the next big ask. We are forever grateful for the work he has produced and can’t wait to continue to watch him grow."